Hilti New Zealand Price Increase- 1st Jan 2025Learn more


Capable of combining multiple scans in large-area views for visual presentation (in 2D and 3D views)

Subsequent scan data analysis on a PC for rebar analysis or depth of concrete cover analysis including statistics and assessment reports

Allows evaluation and visualization of areas up to 45 x 45 m

Building acceptance inspections, rebar verification and analysis as well as quality control for large-area views

Data export in various formats 2D (BMP, JPG, ...) and 3D (DXF, COLLADA, PLY, X3D, ..)

Concrete cover assessment over large areas showing where depth of cover is inadequate, for structural repair work and statistics

Simple and fast data handling for hundreds of scans

Allows export of scan data for use with popular design applications such as AutoCAD, Trimble SketchUp and many more

PC application works with Quickscan Recordings and Imagescans

Creates an accurate 3D model of what is actually in the concrete structure and allows integration in the BIM platform in order to facilitate more efficient, accurate, cost-effective and reliable project planning to support design, refurbishment or extension of existing structures

Technical Data